Radio Commentaries

Week: May 13th - 17th, 2024


5/13/24 - Biblical Reason


The Biblical thinking that supported America at its founding teaches us that no matter what our passions burn for at the moment, justice and injustice are truths established by God.

This secures man from abuse by his fellow man. It forms what Thomas Jefferson referred to as unalienable rights. It doesn’t mean there were no injustices in America’s past. Obviously, there were and continue to be. But it gave us a system of self-government so we could, and still can, correct these injustices.

Our nature leans toward corruption and selfishness. Our need is for redemption and refinement. To the degree that we align with Biblical principles will be the degree to which we create a better society and a more hopeful future for our children and grandchildren.

You can be a gateway to education for your children and students. Visit our HOME PAGE for more resources.


5/14/24 - True Freedom


Samuel Adams, one of America’s founding fathers, warned us when he wrote: "Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."

Without personal virtue all the laws in the world can only dictate punishment, they cannot empower a person to do what is right.

The Apostle Peter urged us to: “Act as free men, not as a cloak for doing evil, but live as bond slaves to God.” The Bible teaches that true freedom comes from living by the moral guidance of God’s truth, not our own passions.

We are so grateful that this radio station is committed to helping you be guided by Biblical truth. You can be a gateway to better education for your children. For more information, click visit our HOME PAGE.

5/15/24 - Only One God


Secular Humanism declares there is no God: man is the measure of all things. Education is, then, about learning to live in a world where God either does not exist or is irrelevant. 

The Bible declares that there is only one God (Exodus 20:3). One God means one set of rules to live by. But in a world where everyone is their own God, the captain of their own ship, all society is left with is the power of the government. The more we move away from believing that there is a God who sets the rules, the strong the government must become to protect social order. America’s next generation, who are now in our schools, need to learn this.

You can be a gateway to better education for your children and students. For more resources visit our Home Page.


5/16/24 - Predict & Pre-Teach


As parents, it is our responsibility to raise up, and teach, our children in the way they should go. 

Author Linda Moran explains how she prepares her children for what they might learn at school. She calls it “Predict and Pre-teach.” Explain to your children what they may learn at school. Then, before they encounter it, teach them God’s truth on the topic. 

We’ve applied this technique with our own children. When our daughter was in first grade, we learned that they would be reading a book that referred to nature as “Mother Earth”. Rather than protest, we explained to her that she may be reading books that mention Mother Earth. We then talked to her about God being the creator of all things. There is no Mother Earth. 

You can be a gateway to better education to your children and students. For more resources visit our Home Page.


5/17/24 - Biblically Minded


As you prepare for this coming school year, I’m sure you will expect your children to be diligent in their academic studies. Schools have standards and expect students to rise to those intellectual expectations. Do we have similar expectations regarding their spiritual understanding? Tests are routine at school. Do we ever give our children a written test to see what they know about basic Christian teachings such as the Trinity, the attributes of God, and justification by faith? You could that at home this summer.

It is a real problem when our public schools expect more intellectual learning than we expect spiritual learning for our children. We must do more than feed our children spiritual ice cream.

Gateways to Better Education helps equip families so their children thrive in public schools. You can be a gateway for your children. For more resources visit our Home Page.